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The SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test intended to assess a student's readiness for university education. Specifically the questions are designed to measure the test taker's literacy, writing skills, and problem solving ability - essential elements needed for academic success in university education. It is a requirement for admission to a vast majority of universities in the United States.

The SAT is composed of three 800-point parts: Math, Critical Reading, and Writing. The Writing part consists of two sections while Critical Reading and Math each consist of three test sections. The 8-section test always begins with the essay section of the Writing part, followed by seven test sections: one from Writing and six from Critical Reading and Math. These seven sections are arranged in random order. Time allowed for completion of each section ranges from twenty to twenty-five minutes. Writing and Critical Reading

Knowledge and skills being tested in Writing and Critical Reading include: essay writing, logical organization of ideas, language expression, grammar, syntax, sentence structure and organization, vocabulary, comprehension, and comparative analysis.

The most challenging aspect of these two parts is vocabulary. It is never too early to start memorizing and using new vocabulary words, as the vast majority of students will have a meager vocabulary inventory vis-à-vis what is expected.


Problem solving skills, “thinking mathematically,” and aptitude are the three main aspects of assessment. Questions are not designed to test a student’s mastery of advanced concepts of the syllabus, nor his/her ability to solve textbook-like questions that may already be familiar to most students.

Framed within these test problems, fundamental concepts are re-visited, re-examined, and re-configured. To do well, one needs to look at the problems from fresh perspectives, think “outside the box,” and apply the fundamental concepts in situations never before encountered.

It takes about three-and-a-half hours to complete the test, breaks between test sections included.

Students can decide which scores are to be sent to the universities of their choice. Hence targeted universities would only see those scores that are most favourable to the applicant. To take advantage of the score reporting scheme, most students take the SAT more than once, as there is no limit to the number of SAT tests a student may take.

Testing Timeline

It is recommended that students take their first SAT no later than December of their second-to-last secondary school year. However an earlier date would be necessary if additional tests, such as SAT Subject Tests, are required for admission consideration.

Individual cases call for varying test taking strategies and timelines. Please ask for a free consultation meeting with one of SATworldacademy's highly qualified university application counselors.Read More